
A new pilot program relies on an emerging, cutting-edge technology to manage power reliably, efficiently and sustainably. BlockEnergy将可再生太阳能与电池存储和本地发电相结合,创造了一个可以独立运行的能源系统,也可以无缝连接到传统的公用电网作为备用.

坦帕电 exploring new microgrid platform

坦帕电 is participating in a new BlockEnergy platform, which is a new utility-owned, residential microgrid product.

这个为期四年的试点项目是在南希尔斯伯勒县南岸湾总体规划社区的麦德利分区进行的. It consists of about 40 new Lennar homes, all powered by BlockEnergy, 它将成为该住宅平台在美国的第一个住宅部署.

BlockEnergy将可再生能源与电池存储和本地发电相结合,创建了一个能源系统, 称为微电网. 试点项目中的每个家庭都将拥有公用事业公司拥有的屋顶太阳能电池板和一个BlockBox, containing battery storage and distributed controls, which is about the same size as an air-conditioning unit. These are all owned by 坦帕电. Each home's BlockBox will connect to a neighborhood-level loop system, which shares power with all the homes in the microgrid.

The benefits of the BlockEnergy pilot program are:

  • 由于微电网是自给自足的,用户将获得更可靠的电力. A nearby power outage won't affect the microgrid.
  • There is no additional charge for this program. 客户支付与其他住宅用户相同的电费.
  • 客户可以感到自豪的是,他们生活在一个从可再生能源中获得更大比例能源的社区,并且碳足迹更小.
  • Customers are participating in a program that relies on an emerging, cutting-edge technology that manages power reliably, efficiently and sustainably.

This technology has been tested elsewhere. 位于新罕布什尔州阿尔伯克基的科特兰空军基地的科特兰弹性项目.M., has been operating since December 2019.


A. BlockEnergy is a new utility-owned, residential microgrid product by Emera技术. BlockEnergy将可再生太阳能与电池存储和本地发电相结合,创造了一个可以独立运行的能源系统,也可以无缝连接到传统的公用电网作为备用. It can be deployed in new residential communities, to incorporate cleaner renewables with energy resilience. 它使用最先进的技术来处理家庭用电的实时波动.

A. Microgrids are a new, emerging technology. Unlike a traditional power grid, 它有几个集中的发电厂,为成千上万的客户服务, 微电网是一个为单个社区发电的小型网络, 比如一个社区, 并且可以在没有传统电网供应的情况下自我维持.

A. Emera技术 正在与Lennar Homes和Metro Development Group合作开发罗斯金南岸湾总体规划社区内的Medley分区, in south Hillsborough County. It consists of about 40 new Lennar homes, all powered by BlockEnergy它将成为该住宅平台在美国的第一个安装.

A. 南岸湾的每户家庭都将拥有公用事业拥有的屋顶太阳能电池板和一个Block Box, containing battery storage and distributed controls, which is about the same size as an air-conditioning unit. Each home's Block Box will connect to a neighborhood-level loop system, that will provide renewable energy to everyone in that community. 这项技术可以让社区在停电时与电网断开连接, such as after severe weather. Each home is also connected to 坦帕电's conventional grid.

A. BlockEnergy 使用直流(DC)技术将电池存储和太阳能集成在一起, which both naturally operate at DC voltages. This simplifies the control system, makes it easier to share energy and is more efficient, because the systems are directly connected. 屋顶的太阳能电池板也不是专门用于该住宅,这也是独一无二的, but instead are an energy source to be shared by the community, 哪里需要. The rooftop solar panels are owned and maintained by 坦帕电.

A. 位于新罕布什尔州阿尔伯克基的科特兰空军基地的科特兰弹性项目.M., has been operating since December 2019. 这个生活实验室是与科特兰空军合作创建的, 桑迪亚国家实验室(通过合作研究与开发协议) Emera技术)和能源部分布式能源技术实验室——自启动以来,一直为一排基地房屋和其他设施提供250千瓦的可再生电力.

A. Emera技术的第一次 BlockEnergy 自2019年12月以来,智能平台在科特兰空军基地无缝运行. 250千瓦, solar/battery microgrid is currently powering six base houses, a community center and a charging station for electric vehicles.

A. Emera技术 is a subsidiary of Emera Inc.这家国际上市公用事业公司也拥有澳门网上真人赌博官网. Emera成立这家子公司是为了探索和开发新兴能源相关技术.

A. No, this product is built and owned by a utility. It makes the most sense for newly constructed homes at this time.

A. 这个产品对于那些想要将可再生能源和弹性纳入社区的房屋建筑商来说是很好的.

坦帕电 Involvement

A. 坦帕电 is the host utility for Emera技术' new product in the Medley, SouthShore Bay development. 澳门网上真人赌博官网购买了该设备,并将在其使用寿命期间拥有该设备, which is expected to be about 25 to 30 years.

A. 澳门网上真人赌博官网对这项技术印象深刻,并跟随之前成功的试点项目使用 BlockEnergy. 澳门线上真人博彩官网对BlockEnergy在居民区的潜力持乐观态度, as it offers many advantages for environmental sustainability, reliability and affordability. 虽然澳门线上真人博彩官网致力于推进向公共服务委员会提交的试点项目,并希望该项目取得成功, 澳门线上真人博彩官网将做一个仔细的评估,以确保它是一个很好的适合澳门线上真人博彩官网澳门线上真人博彩官网的客户.


A. There is no additional charge for this program. 客户支付的电费与其他直接从澳门网上真人赌博官网电网获得电力的住宅用户支付的电费相同.

A. 不,它不是. Although the microgrid uses solar panels, 这些电池板和它们产生的能量都属于澳门网上真人赌博官网. 家庭没有净计量表. 房主确实有权在屋顶上安装自己的太阳能电池板(参见“我可以安装自己的太阳能电池板吗?”下面).


  • 由于微电网是自给自足的,用户将获得更可靠的电力. A nearby power outage won't affect the microgrid.
  • There is no additional charge for this program. 客户支付与其他住宅用户相同的电费.
  • 客户可以感到自豪的是,他们生活在一个从可再生能源中获得更大比例能源的社区,并且碳足迹更小.
  • Customers are participating in a program that relies on an emerging, cutting-edge technology that manages power reliably, efficiently and sustainably.

A. 每个Block Box都配有LED灯,以确保行人安全. 有时, you may see those lights turn on or off, especially during the early testing phases of the program. 这些灯是装饰性的,并不表明设备是否正常工作.

A. 坦帕电 will maintain its equipment, including the solar panels, for the life of the microgrid. If the pilot program is discontinued, 房主可以选择保留太阳能电池板(并对其进行净计量)或让澳门网上真人赌博官网将其拆除. 澳门网上真人赌博官网将继续为社区家庭提供电力服务, whether through the microgrid or through conventional service.

A. On the remote chance that damage occurs, 坦帕电 will restore any property damage caused by our equipment, 雇员或承办商.

A. 是的, 你可以在澳门网上真人赌博官网没有用于试点项目的任何屋顶空间安装自己的太阳能电池板. 然而, 澳门网上真人赌博官网将不得不把你的家从微电网项目中移除,取而代之的是通过传统的电力连接为你的家服务. 澳门网上真人赌博官网的太阳能电池板仍将留在你的屋顶上,为该计划的其他参与者提供服务.

A. Because of the added reliability of the microgrid, we do not expect homes in the microgrid to need alternate forms of power, 比如备用发电机. The batteries provide backup power to your home. 选择安装或使用发电机的业主应聘请有执照和合格的电工,以确保发电机的安装符合适用的法律, 守则及规定.

A. The pilot program includes about 40 homes in SouthShore Bay. 澳门网上真人赌博官网没有计划将试点项目扩大到更多的家庭.
